CLEO Ambassador

Zach joined Climate Leaders Educational Organization (CLEO) to help educate others on Climate Change and identify solutions to combat this global crises. He delivers presentations, organizes events and participates in demonstrations to achieve this aim. 

Climate Change Protest, Miami Beach: Video

March 15, 2019

Led Climate Change Rally: Video


Climate Change Strike

Certified CLEO Speaker

2020 GenCLEO Leadership Award


Climate Change Walk in Miami

April 29, 2017


CLEO Founder & President Caroline Lewis

Epa lady.JPG

Former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy


WLRN Public Media Event

Town Hall on Sea Level Rise 2019


The Netherlands

Studying windmill technology for Climate Change documentary.


The Netherlands

Completing a documentary on Climate Change.

Climate Change March in D.C. on April 22, 2017: Video